We believe that to avoid doctors who provide unsatisfactory outcomes to their patients, of whom there seem to be more and more, readers should take the following steps.
(1) They should look for doctors who work in areas in which they need help who have ordinary email addresses.
To us, doctors who have their own personal ordinary email address are the best to deal with – although those with email forms could be considered, and those who work in practices and hospitals etc. with ordinary emails or email forms could also be considered.
Doctors who only have email forms, who, when you use them, don’t, in their responses, provide an ordinary ordinary address that can be used in the future, shouldn’t be considered further.
The main aim of this website is to help readers find such doctors – we’re just starting on putting together lists. (If any of our readers know of a similar list or lists, we would be grateful if they could provide us with their details.)
(We recognise that GPs who have their own ordinary email address are almost impossible to find.)
(2) They should email doctors who they think could be suitable with letters along these lines, (after providing their sex and age,) – “I have the following health problems – blah blah blah, blah blah blah. Is helping people with these problems within your areas of expertise? If not, is there anyone else you can recommend? I would be most grateful to hear from you.” Face-to-face consultations can then be considered with the one, two, or perhaps even the three who provide the best responses.
(3) After face-to-face consultations letters along these lines should be emailed to doctors – “In my face-to-face consultation with you today, I understood you to say blah blah blah, blah blah blah. In particular, are there any consequences, risks and complications that might possibly result from the treatment you have recommended that you didn’t mention?” Those who don’t provide pretty good answers to letters like this shouldn’t be considered further.
This is pretty basic stuff that doesn’t take much work and should keep you out the hands of other than the best doctors. And if it doesn’t, you will be in a strong position to lodge complaints and to warn others.
Of course, responding to emails can be an expense and a bother for doctors, and it may be that the most established of them don’t provide responses – although, to us, it’s unlikely. It’s all a matter of competition. It’s up to us, the people, to get the message over that if they don’t have an ordinary email address and don’t provide reasonable responses to emails sent to them, that they won’t get our business.